Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Another Successful 80th Birthday Surprise!

Long time followers of this blog will remember that four plus years ago, our family managed to pull off a successful surprise party for my dad's 80th birthday. Andrea and I knew that when we planned on being in Seattle for Christmas 2017, we would be sticking around for my mother's 80th birthday on January 2. The challenge was to figure out how to also surprise her with a birthday celebration without her knowing about it.

We are happy to report that the surprise was successful and that the birthday girl felt very celebrated. With help from my sister Esther and various others and the gift of technology, we were able to gather emails, cards, photos and other greetings from around the world in advance, some of which were displayed on a large poster board cut into the shape of '80'. All of her brothers and their wives were able to join us as well as a few long time friends - both in person and via skype. And the key to the surprise...holding the party on New Year's Eve, two days before her actual birthday!

We enjoyed two big pots of soup made by Esther and Andrea, yummy bread (including our great Aunt Mary's soda bread made by our Aunt Lura) and of course a large carrot cake by request!

Enjoy the photos below  - and thank you to all who sent cards and best wishes and especially the brothers for making the long drive!

Skype call with Robert and Muriel Williams in the UK (who is the dapper couple in the background?)

Jon, Hana, Naomi

Help from the youngest one in attendance blowing out the candles

Brothers Jim, John and Dave

plus ones

Martha and her brothers and spouses and Duncan and Andrea, Esther and Jon and Hana and Naomi

Martha and long time friend Gloria

Face time with Grandfather Nan in Napajat, Thailand

Birthday girl in front of her giant 80!

1 comment:

manitou said...

hey guys its timothy blessings and aloha Duncan and Andrea! all is well here laura and i are doing fine -however i need a chitty chat asap about some things that might interest you Andrea i still have my same # from seattle (phone is off till saturday)or you can call laura or respond to me by email-this is my first time to your blog im sorry it took so long- much love T and family