Saturday, December 31, 2022

Seattle Summer - Fall/Autumn - And a taste of Winter...

 A few reminders but mainly the colors of the seasons...

For many of the nine months in Seattle I kept my eye on these two as they sat on, hatched and cared for their one eaglet this year. They've roosted in this tree for many years. They are good parents even when their kid is learning how to fly - whew there were some parental moments and lessons as he swooped and fluttered and sometimes missed, falling and clawing his way back onto a branch. 

Most every day I would do a 2-2 1/2 mile loop down the hill and around Alki. In nine months of doing this loop, I only ran into someone I knew (the same person) twice! But the sky and the sea were always there - never the same...always changing. Always beautiful. 

Lilies taller than she is...


And one day all the phaleonopsis got it together and coordinated. 

And the Dahlia's were large and in charge and always spectacular.

So I said I never ran into anyone I knew on my two mile loop - but, there was one friend that I made who was there many many days (maybe 50% of the time) waiting to say hi to me and to all the other walkers that would go past his house and down the steps to the beach. Meet Mochi - beloved neighbor cat who would walk with his many friends up and down the stairs and loved to chase any stick or string or leaf you might have.