Saturday, December 21, 2013

'Tis the Season...

...for catching up on this blog! 

...for choosing the images that go on our compilation card that we began after our trip five years ago...

From a baby panda named Bao Bao (meaning Precious/Treasure) born this year in the DC Zoo and who might be one of the cutest creations ever (seriously go to the National Zoo Panda cam and tell us we are wrong) to a large horse named Andrew, flowers and fruit, trips to Belize, Florida, Amish Country, Durham and Seattle, the images here represent some of the seasons and moments this past year that have brought us joy.

...for cookie decorating. Check out these cookies our next door neighbor dropped off for us! Who does this? Even the elf/gnome (?) has rouge on his cheeks!

...for a newish tradition - finding a poem or phrase that will carry us through the next year. Last year I found two - The Julian of Norwich 'All Shall be Well' quote which we included on our Christmas card and here and the amazing excerpt taken from WH Auden’s For The Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio which I posted here on Geography of Grace, a website I still manage and edit.

This year we have already found the poem courtesy of our friend Deb in Durham. She knows us well. She knows that though life is often challenging, life is also good and so on her Christmas card to us she gave us our poem for the year...

May I Suggest

May I suggest to you
May I suggest (to you that) this is the best part of your life
May I suggest
this time is blessed for you
This Time is blessed and shining
almost blinding bright
Just turn your head
And you'll begin to see
The thousand reasons that were just beyond your sight
The reasons why
Why I suggest to you
Why I suggest this is the best part of your life
- Susan Werner, Sung by Red Molly

Good words for me, for so many reasons! There have been challenges along the way but we know that God continues to be with us and for all this we are grateful. Whether near or far, we send you warm greetings. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Duncan and Andrea
PS - below are a few more photos from this year (that didn't make the Christmas card.)

 We loved the couple trips we were able to take to warm places this year including Belize (see earlier post) as well as four days down in Florida on Pine Island where we went to check out the novelty of mangoes on the mainland - and they did not disappoint!
 We enjoyed seeing our families (Duncan for his dad's 80th Birthday surprise in April - see previous post) and both of us in August. Loved going on a family hike and love this picture of the Wilson- Butler clan.

 And in spite of not enjoying everything about this city we live in, there is much we do enjoy and we have tried to take full advantage of seasons, museums, monuments, gardens, historical sites and activities. Photo above - during the Cherry Tree Blossoms - sometimes you can actually see the blooms in spite of all the people!

In addition to Bao Bao, Rusty the Red Panda also made headlines when he escaped the zoo for a day and wandered around the local neighborhood. This we also followed with great interest.

The Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is a little known National Park here in DC but is amazing when all the water lilies are in bloom.
At the Library of Congress, with a view of the Capital

Walking through a recent snowfall
We are grateful for your friendship as we continue to tip toe and explore life together.