Friday, October 23, 2020

Bermuda...for a little longer

Two weeks ago today I landed in/on one of the most densely populated countries (technically a British Overseas Territory) in the world (it's true, look it up!), one of the more expensive places to live in the world (top 5 per capita GDP, a place with no running streams or fresh water other than what falls out of the sky or hidden in deep aquifers, 4 kinds of mosquitos, 10 kinds of cockroaches - sounds like bliss right? Well, if that's the worst that can be said about Bermuda, bring it on!

Friends have asked why Bermuda? (other than the selling points already mentioned above!) The more typical answers could all be said - beautiful pink sand beaches, snorkeling, sub tropical island, (equals no freezing cold winters, though it cools off to about 60 in December and January) take a look at the following photos and tell me why not??

Horseshoe Bay

Horseshoe Bay

Horseshoe Bay

Typical Bermuda roof that collects rain water stored in underground tanks

Gibb's Lighthouse

Railway trail that runs the length of the island
Hamilton Harbor

But in truth there are many more reasons...

1. I can. I am very grateful for a job (and a job that allows me to work from anywhere) and Bermuda is one of the countries offering a one year 'come work from here residency certificate' to help keep the economy going in light of covid preventing most tourists from visiting. I had been here six years ago - see my post from then here. I'm not sure I would have come if I had never been before.
2. There was something about coming to a very small speck in a very large ocean that felt like it would be helpful and healthy for my soul as I seek to rest and reset after this year...after the last few years... and figure out what comes next.
3. It felt like getting out of crazy town USA would also be good for the soul.
4. Bermuda has had under 200 covid cases with 9 deaths. Yes, the US has a much larger population but comparing these numbers to the aforementioned crazy town...well things are managed a little differently here!
5. My goal is to swim/snorkel every day and I knew that being under water would start to calm the noise and chatter in my head.
6. There's something about going somewhere you don't know anyone that is appealing. (I wouldn't give this advice to everyone and I certainly wouldn't advise it if you don't have good virtual support friends.)
7. On a more obscure note, Bermuda is where author Frederick Buechner came with his mom and brother after his dad died by suicide when he was a young boy. For all of these reasons, I thought and hoped this could be a place of healing and rest for me. Not forever, but for now.

So I came with a one way ticket and a month booked at an airbnb and that's all I know. And that's still all I know. Except I also know what it's like to swim with 3+ foot long parrot fish now too. More on that in a future post.


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